Saturday, December 23, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
lecturas en Internet
Richard Cleminson y Rosa Medina Doménech
¿Mujer u hombre? Hermafroditismo, tecnologías médicas e identificación del sexo en España, 1860-1925
Mauro Cabral
Cuango digo intersex. Un diálogo introductorio a la intersexualidad
Mauro Cabral
La intersexualidad y los Derechos Humanosño.pdf
Mauro Cabral y Ariel Rojman
La muerte de un extraño.
(sobre la muerte de David Reimer)
Marina Costa
Distintas consideraciones sobre el binarismo sexo/género
Aracelis Escabí-Montalvo y José Toro-Alfonso
Cuando los cuerpos engañan: un acercamiento crítico a la categoría de la intersexualidad
Nuria Gregori Flor
Los cuerpos ficticios de la biomedicina: el proceso de construcción del género en los protocolos médicos de asignación de sexo en bebés intersexuales
Ángel Moreno Sánchez y José Ignacio Pichardo Galán
Homonormatividad y existencia sexual. Amistades peligrosas entre género y sexualidad
Esther Ortega, Carmen Romero Bachiller, y Silvia García Dauder
Transformaciones tecno-científicas de cuerpos, sexos y géneros
Libro Estados intersexuales e hipogonadismo. SEEP, 2001.
Anne Côté
Telling the truth? Disclosure, therapeutic priviledge and intersexuality in children
Noah Ben-Asher
The necessity of sex change: a struggle for Intersex and Transsex liberties,+and+its+medical+and+social+implications.pdf
Magnus Danielsson
Intersexuality and its medical and social implications
Leslie Gallacher
The Psychology of Intersex: Research into the experiences of individuals/parents who have experienced Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome or Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia within the UK. MA Dissertation. University of York, 2005.
Emi Koyama y Lisa Weasel
From social construction to social justice: transforming how we teach about intersexuality
Anne Fausto-Sterling
The Sex/Gender perplex. Review essay
Line Langlo
Intertextuality about intersexuality
(MA Thesis. Universidad de Amsterdam)
Iain Morland
Narrating intersex: On the ethical critique of the medical management of intersexuality, 1985-2005
(PhD Thesis. Universidad de Londres)
lecturas sobre la Intersexualidad
Holmes, M.M. (1994): Medical politics and cultural imperatives: intersexual identities beyond pathology and erasure. MA Thesis, York University, Canada.
Kessler, S. J. (1998): Lessons from the intersexed. New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers University Press.
Adkins, R. (1999): Sentenced to "sex": Intersexuality and the end(s) of gender. MA Thesis. University of Oregon.
Dreger, A.D. (1999): Intersex in the Age of Ethics. Maryland, University Publishing Group.
Preves, S.E. (1999): Sexing the intersex: lived experiences in socio-cultural context (hermaphroditic, identity development, social support, marginality, medicalization). PhD Thesis. University of Minnesota.
Fausto-Sterling, A. (2000): Sexing the body: Gender politics and the construction of human sexuality. New York, Basic Books.
Dreger, A.D. (2000): Hermaphrodites and the medical invention of sex. Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
Holmes, M.M. (2000): The doctor will fix everything: Intersexuality in contemporary culture. Concordia University, Canada.
Karkazis, K.A. (2002): Beyond treatment: mapping the connections among gender, genitals, and sexuality in recent controversies over intersexuality. PhD Thesis. Columbia University.
Preves, S.E. (2003): Intersex and identity: the contested self. New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers University Press.
Denver, K.N. (2004): A phenomenological study of the experience of being born and raised with an intersex condition. Psy D. Argosy University, San Francisco Bay Area.
Martínez-Mora, J. (2005): Hermafroditismos, intersexos y otras historias. Vivencias de un médico-cirujano. Texto x Texto, Barcelona.
Still, B. (2005): The virtual activism of intersex persons: Countering online the norms of medical and gender discourse. PhD Thesis, University of South Dakota.
Grace, H.J. (1986): "Intersexuality: definitions, diagnosis and dilemmas". Archives of Andrology, vol. 17, nº 2: 129-131.
Diamond, M. y H.K. Sigmundson (1987): “Sexual identity and sexual orientation in children with traumatised or ambiguous genitalia”. Journal of sex research, vol. 34: 199-211.
Epstein, J. (1990): "Either/or –neither/both: Sexual ambiguity and the ideology of gender". Genders, 7: 99-142.
Herdt, R. (1990): “Mistaken gender: 5-Alpha Reductase Hermaphroditism and Biological Reductionism in sexual identity reconsidered”. American anthropologist, vol. 92, nº 2: 433-446.
Kessler, S.J. (1990): "The medical construction of gender: case management of intersexed infants". Signs, vol. 16, nº 1: 3-26.
Fausto-Sterling, A. (1993): "The Five sexes: Why Male and Female are Not Enough". The Sciences, March/April: 20-25.
Meyer-Bahlburg, H.F.L. (1994): "Intersexuality and the diagnosis of gender identity disorder". Archives of sexual behaviour, vol. 23, nº 1: 21-40.
Findlay, C. (1995): "Discovering sex: medical science, feminism and intersexuality". Canadian review of sociology and anthropology, vol. 32, nº 1: 25-52.
Holmes, (1995): Queer cut bodies.
Valentine, D. y R.A. Wilchins (1997): "One percent of the burnt chart: gender, genitals and hermaphrodites with attitude". Social text, nº 52/53: 215-222.
Chase, C. (1997): “Making media: An intersex perspective”. Images: 22-25.
Elliott, C. (1997): "Hedgehogs and hermaphrodites: Toward a More Anthropological Bioethics". En Carson R. y C. Burns (eds.) Philosophy of Medicine and Bioethics: A Twenty Year Retrospective and Critical Appraisal. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers: 197-211.
Kessler, S.J. (1997): "Creating good-looking genitals in the service of gender". En M. Duberman (ed.) A queer world: The Centre for Lesbian and Gay Studies reader. New York, New York University Press: 153-173.
Elliott, C. (1998): "Why can´t we go as three?". The Hastings centre report.
Chase, C. (1998): "Hermaphrodites with attitude: mapping the emergence of intersex political activism". GLQ: A journal of Gay and Lesbian studies, vol. 4, nº 2: 189-211.
Chase, C. (1998): "Surgical progress is not the answer for intersexuality". Journal of clinical ethics, vol. 9, nº 4: 385-392.
Crouch, R.A. (1998): "Betwixt and between: the past and the future of intertextuality". Journal of Clinical ethics, vol. 9, nº 4: 372-384.
Diamond, M. (1998): "Intersexuality: recommendations for management". Archives of sexual behaviour, vol. 27.
Dreger, A.D. (1998): "A history of intersexuality: from the age of the gonads to the age of consent". Journal of clinical ethics, vol. 9, nº4: 345-355.
Dreger, A.D. (1998): Ethical issues in the medical treatment of intersexuality and "ambiguous sex". The Hastings Centre Report.
Holmes (1998) Intersexuality in the field of queer.
Howe, E.G. (1998): "Intersexuality: what should careproviders do now?". Journal of clinical ethics, vol. 9, nº 4: 337-344.
Migeon, C.J. y A.B. Wisniewski (1998): “Sexual differentiation: From genes to gender”. Hormone research, vol. 50: 245-251.
Preves, S.E. (1998): "For the sake of the children: destigmatizating intersexuality". Journal of clinical ethics, vol. 9, nº 4: 411-420.
Adkins, R. (1999): "Where sex is born(e): intersexed births and the social urgency of heterosexuality". Journal of medical humanities, vol. 20, nº 2: 117-133.
Chase, C. (1999): "Intersexuality: waiting for change?". The Hastings Centre Report, vol. 29, nº 2: 4. (y comentarios en The Hastings Centre Report, vol. 28, nº3: 36-39)
Dreger, A.D. (1999): "In love with a ruler: phallometers and the surgical "treatment" of intersexuality". Annual meeting of the society of social studies of science.
Greenberg, T. L. (1999): “Defining male and female: intersexuality and the collision between law and biology”. TJSL Legal studies research paper. Arizona law review, vol. 41: 265.
Groveman, S. (1999): The Hanukkah bush: Ethical implications in the clinical management of intersex. En Dreger, A.D. (ed.) Intersex in the Age of Ethics. Frederick, MD: University publishing group.
Schober, J.M. (1999): "Long-term outcomes and changing attitudes to intersexuality". BJU International, vol. 80, suppl.3: 39-50.
Schober, J.M. (1999): "Quality-of-life studies in patients with ambiguous genitalia". World journal of urology, vol. 17: 249-252.
Meyer-Bahlburg, H.F.L. (1999): "Health-related quality of life in intersexuality". Acta Paediatrica (supplement), vol. 88, nº 428: 114-115.
Schober, J.M. (1999): "Long-term outcomes and changing attitudes to intersexuality". British Journal of Urology International, vol. 83, sup. 3: 39-50.
Turner, S.S. (1999): “Intersex identities: locating new intersections of sex and gender”. Gender and society, vol. 13, nº 4: 457-479.
Zucker, K.J. (1999): “Intersexuality and gender identity differentiation”. Annual review of sex research, vol. 10: 1-69.
Dreger, A.D. (2000): "Jarring bodies: thoughts on the display of unusual autonomies". Perspectives in biology and medicine, vol. 43, nº 2: 161-172.
Hausman, B. L. (2000): "Do Boys Have to Be Boys? Gender, Narrativity, and the John/Joan Case". NWSA Journal, vol. 12, nº 3: 114-138.
Hegarty, P. (2000): “Intersex activism, feminist and psychology: opening a dialogue on theory, research and clinical practice”. Feminism and psychology, vol. 10, nº 1: 117-132.
Melton, L. (2001): "New perspectives in the management of Intersex". The Lancet, vol. 357: 2110.
Morland, I. (2001): "Is intersexuality real?". Textual practice, vol. 15, nº 3: 527-547.
Creighton, L. (2001): "Surgery for intersex". Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. 94: 218-220.
Morland, (2001): "Feminism and Intersexuality: a response to Myra J. Hird´s "Gender Nature"". Feminist theory.
Warnke, G. (2001): "Intersexuality and the Categories of Sex". Hypatia, vol. 16, nº 3: 126-137.
Chase, C. (2002): ""Cultural practice" or "reconstructive surgery"?: US genital cutting, the Intersex movement and media double standards". En Robertson, C. y S.J. Champaign (eds.) Shades of othering: female genital cutting -representations and implications for transnational sisterhood. University of Illinois Press.
Cull, M. (2002): “Treatment of intersex needs open discussion”. British Medical Journal, vol. 324: 919.
Holmes, M. (2002): "Rethinking the meaning and management of intersexuality". Sexualities, vol. 5, nº 2: 159-180.
Kuhnle, U. (2002): "The Impact of Culture on Sex Assignment and Gender Development in Intersex Patients". Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, vol. 45, nº 1: 85-103.
Meyer-Bahlburg, H.F.L. (2002): "Gender assignment and reassignment in intersexuality: controversies, data and guidelines for research". Advances in experimental medicine and biology, vol. 511: 199-223.
Preves, S.E. (2002): "Sexing the intersexed: an analysis of sociocultural responses to Intersexuality". Signs, vol. 27, nº 2: 523-556.
Sánchez González, M.P. (2002): "La intersexualidad como problema jurídico". En Cabanillas Sánchez, A. (coord.): Estudios jurídicos en homenaje al Profesor Luis Díez-Picazo: 927-950.
Sax, L. (2002): “How common is intersex? A response to Anne Fausto-Sterling”. Journal of sex research, vol. 39: 174-178.
Towle, E. B. y L.M. Morgan (2002): “Romancing the transgender native: rethinking the use of the “Third gender” concept”. GLQ, vol. 8, nº 4: 469-497.
Zucker, K.J. (2002): “Intersexuality and gender identity differentiation”. Journal of pediatric and adolescence gynaecology, vol. 15: 3-13.
Cabral, M. (2003): “Pensar la intersexualidad, hoy”, en Mafia, D. (comp.) Sexualidades migrantes: Género y transgénero. Buenos Aires, Feminaria Editora: 117-126.
Chase, C. (2003): "What is the agenda of the Intersex advocacy movement?". The endocrinologist, vol. 13, nº 3: 240-242.
Elisabetta Grande (2004) "Hegemonic Human Rights and African Resistance: Female Circumcision in a Broader Comparative Perspective," Global Jurist: Vol. 4 : Iss. 2 (Frontiers), Article 3. Available at:
Hird, M. J. (2003): "Considerations for a psychoanalytic theory of gender identity and sexual desire: the case of intersex". Signs, vol. 28: 1067-1092.
Monro, S. (2003): Transgender politics in the UK. Critical social policy, vol. 23, nº 4: 433-452.
Hester, J.D. (2004): "Intersex(es) and informed consent: how physicians´rethoric constrains choice". Theoretical medicine and bioethics, vol. 25, nº 1: 21-49.
Roen, K. (2004): "Intersex embodiment: when health care means maintaining binary sexes". Sexual health, 1: 127-130.
Sytsma, S. (2004): "Ethical dilemmas in retrospective studies on genital surgery in the treatment of intersexual infants". Cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics, vol. 13: 394-403.
Dreger, A.D., Chase, C., Sousa, A., Gruppuso, P.A., y J. Frader (2005): "Changing the nomenclature/taxonomy for intersex: A scientific and clinical rationale". Journal of pediatric endocrinology and metabolism, vol. vol. 18, nº 2: 729-733.
Mak, G. (2005): “”So we must go behind even what the microscope can reveal”: The hermaphrodite´s “self” in medical discourse at the start of the twentieth century”. GLQ, 11, 1: 65-94.
Matta, C. (2005): “Ambiguous bodies and deviant sexualities: hermaphrodites, homosexuality, and surgery in the United States, 1850-1904”. Perspectives in biology and medicine, vol. 48, nº 1: 74-83.
Meyer-Bahlburg, H.F.L. (2005): "Introduction: gender dysphoria and gender change in persons with intersexuality". Archives of sexual behaviour, vol. 34, nº 4: 371-373.
Morland, I. (2005): "The glans opens like a book": writing and reading the intersexed body". Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, vol. 19, nº 3: 335-348.
Reis, E. (2005): “Imposible hermaphrodites: Intersex in America, 1620-1960”. The journal of American history, : 411-441.
Escabí-Montalvo, A. y J. Toro-Alfonso (2006): “Cuando los cuerpos engañan: un acercamiento crítico a la categoría de la intersexualidad”. International journal of clinical and health psychology, vol. 6, nº 3: 753-772.
Mann, J.C. (2006): “How to look at a hermaphrodite in Early Modern England”. SEL, 46, 1: 67-91.
Turner, S.S. (1999): “Intersex identities: locating new intersections of sex and gender”. Gender and society, vol. 13, nº 4: 457-479.
Kitzinger, C. (1999): “Intersexuality: deconstructing the sex/gender binary”. Feminism Psychology, vol. 9: 493-498.
Hird, M. (2000): “Gender´s nature: intersexuality, transexualism, and the “sex”/”gender” binary”. Feminist theory, vol. 1, nº 3: 347-364.
Preves, S.E. (2000): “Negociating the constraints of gender binarism: intersexuals´challenge to gender categorization”. Current sociology, vol. 48, nº 3: 27-50.
Tauchert, A. (2002): “Fuzzy gender: between female embodiment and intersex”. Journal of gender studies, vol. 11, nº 1: 29-38.
Nieto Piñeroba, J.A. (2003): "La intersexualidad y los límites del modelo "dos sexos/dos géneros". En Guasch, O. y O. Viñuales (eds.): Sexualidades: diversidad y control social: 69-104.
Roen, K. (2004): “Intersex embodiment: when health care means maintaining binary sexes”. Sexual health, vol. 1: 127-130.
Knaak, S. (2004): “On the Reconceptualizing of Gender: Implications for Research Design”. Sociological Inquiry, vol. 74, nº 3: 302-317.
Costa, M. (2006): “Distintas consideraciones sobre el binarismo sexo/género”. A parte rei, Revista de Filosofía, vol. 46.
Sugar and spice and puppy dog tails: Growing up intersexed
Katherine Connella
Hermaphrodites Speak! Cheryl Chase, 1997. San Francisco, ISNA. 30 minutos.
Intersex: Redefining Sex. CityTV, Toronto . 2000. 25 minutos.
Is it a boy or a girl?. Phyllis Ward, 2000. Discovery Channel. 52 minutos.
Yellow for Hermaphrodites: Mani's Story,historia de vida de la activista intersexual Mani Mitchell. DVD.
lecturas desde la Medicina y la Psicología
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Kuhnle U., Krahl W. (2002): "The impact of culture on sex assignment and gender development in intersex patients". Perspectives in biology and medicine, vol. 45, nº 1: 85-103.
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Crouch, N.S., Minto, C.L., Laio, L.-M., Woodhouse, C.R.J., Creighton, S.M. (2004): "Genital sensation after feminizing genitoplasty for congenital adrenal hyperplasia: A pilot study". BJU International, 93 (1): 135-138.
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Frader, J. y P. Alderson, A. Asch, C. Aspinall, D. Davis, A. Dreger, J. Edwards, E. K. Feder, A. Frank, L. A. Hedley, E. Kittay, J. Marsh, P. S. Miller, W. Mouradian, H. Nelson, and E. Parens (2004): "Health Care Professionals and Intersex Conditions". Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, vol.158(nº5): 426 - 428.
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Meyer-Bahlburg H.F.L., Migeon C.J., Berkovitz G.D., et al. (2004): "Attitudes of adult 46 XY intersex persons to clinical management policies". Journal of urology, vol. 171, nº 4: 1615-1619.
Meyer-Bahlburg H.F.L. y R.M. Blizzard (2004): "Conference proceedings: Research on Intersex- summary of a planning workshop". Endocrinologist, vol. 14, nº 2: 59-69.
Westenfelder M. (2004): "Modern concepts in the treatment of intersexuality". Urologe A, vol. 43, nº 4: 379.
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Friday, December 01, 2006
los investigadores
Activista transintersexual y profesor de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.
Licenciado en Historia y Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Cheryl Chase
Activista intersexual norteamericana. fundadora de la ISNA.
Alice Domurat Dreger
Investigadora de la Historia de la Medicina, miembro del programa Medical Humanities and Bioethics, de la Feinberg School of Medicine, en la Northwestern University de Chicago.
PhD en Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia por la Universidad de Indiana.
Lena Eckert
Doctoranda en el Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies de la Universidad de Leeds, UK.
MA en Historia del Género por la Universidad de Essex (2004) y MA en Estudios de Género por la Universidad Humboldt de Berlín (2005).
Anne Fausto-Sterling
Profesora de Biología y Estudios de Género en el Departamento de Biología Molecular y Celular de la Universidad de Brown.
Nuria Gregori Flor
Enfermera e investigadora predoctoral de la Universidad de Valencia.
Myra J. Hird
Profesora asociada del Departamento de Sociología de la Queen´s University, Canadá.
Michelle Morgan Le Fay Holmes
Profesora de la Concordia University, Canadá.
MA en Estudios Interdisciplinarios (Derecho, Antropología y Ciencias Políticas) por la York University (1994) y PhD en Estudios Interdisciplinarios sobre Sociedad y Cultura en la Concordia University (2000).
Suzanne J. Kessler
Profesora de Psicología, en la School of Natural and Social Sciences, Purchase College, SUNY, Nueva York.
Celia Kitzinger
Profesora asociada del Departamento de Sociología del Centre for Women´s Studies de la Universidad de York.
BA en Oxford y PhD en Reading.
Emi Koyama
Activista norteamericana de la Intersexualidad. fundó Intersex Initiative (IPDX) al dejar la ISNA.
Heino F. L. Meyer-Bahlburg
Profesor de Psicología Clínica en la Universidad de Columbia.
Iain Morland
Lector en la Universidad de Cardiff.
PhD por la Universidad de Londres, MPhil en Teoría Crítica y Cultural por la Universidad de Cardiff, y MA en Literatura Inglesa por la Universidad de Sussex.
Sharon E. Preves
Profesora asociada de Sociología en el College of Liberal Arts de la Hamline University, Minnesota.
Justine M. Schober
Uróloga. Urología Pediátrica. Hamot Medical Centre, Erie, Pennsylvania.
Ashley Tauchert
Profesora asociada del Departamento de Inglés en la School of English & American Studies, University of Exeter, UK.
-intersexualidad (AGS Eltern und patienteninitiative, Alemania) (Bodies Like Ours)
"US organisation that provides peer support for people born with atypical genitalia and helps them erase their shame and secrecy" (FINE, French-speaking Intersex Network of Europe)
"an international coalition of activists campaigning in favor of intersexed persons and their allies and are organizing an awareness day in order to end secrecy and the shame caused by the genital mutilation of intersexed infants" (IICLAW, Istitute for intersex children and the law) (Intersex Schweiz, Suiza) (Intersex Österreich, Austria) (Hamburger Forschungsgruppe Intersex, Hamburgo) (OII, Organisation Intersex International; IAIA, Independent Association of Intersex Advocates) (Intersexuelle Menschen) (IPDX, Intersex Initiative)
"Portland, Oregon based national activist and advocacy organization for people born with intersex conditions. Director Emi Koyama has been an intern-turned-staffer at Intersex Society of North America before founding Intersex Iniciative in January 2003" (ISGI, Intersex Support Group International) (Iglesia Evangélica) (ISNA, Intersex Society of North América)
"devoted to systemic change to end shame, secrecy and unwanted genital surgeries for people born with an anatomy that someone decided is not standard for male or female"
ISOSA (Intersex Society of South Africa)
PO Box 43282 Woodstock, Capetown 792, South Africa. (Selbsthilfe Intersexualität, Suiza) (RIFE, Réseau des Intersexué-e-s Francophones d´Europe) (TGIJP, Transgender, gender variant and intersex justice project) (The UK Intersex Association)
"an education, advocacy, campaigning and support organisation which works on behalf of intersexed people" (XY Frauen, Deustchland, Mujeres XY, Alemania) (ITPeople, Intersexed and Transgendered)
-AIS (Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome) (AIS Nederland, Países Bajos) (AIS Italia) (AISSG, Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group)
"is a consortium of worldwide support groups that owe their origins to the UK-based group which was started in 1988 (formalised in 1993)" (AISSGA, AIS Support Group Australia)
-Klinefelter (American Association for Klinefelter Syndrome Information) (Klinefelter, Austria) (Nederlandse Klinefelter Vereniging) (Klinefelter, Bélgica) (Klinefelter, Deutschland, Alemania) (Klinefelter, Dinamarca) (Klinefelter, Noruega) (Klinefelter, Suiza) (Klinefelter Syndrome Association, UK)
-Síndrome de Turner (Turner Syndrome Society, EEUU) (Turner Contact Nederland)
-Síndrome de Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser (MRKH, Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser) (MRKH-L)
-Harry Benjamin (antes HBIGDA, Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, ahora WPATH, World Professional Association for Transgender Health)
Tamara Beck
Mauro Cabral
-seminario taller Intersexualidad, UBA:
-entrevista de Jose Gabriel Chueca a Mauro Cabral:
-entrevista de Bruno Bimbi a Mauro Cabral:
-sobre Mauro Cabral, La excepción y la regla, 4 de abril de 2005, Página 12:ículo Intersexualidad:
-artículo Género e Intersexualidad, 16 de octubre de 2006:
Cheryl Chase
-biografía en la Wikipedia:
Sherri Groveman
Sally Gross (South Africa)
-texto Intersexuality and scripture:
Vincent Guillot (portavoz de OII Europa)
Thea Hillman
-página personal:
Raven Kaldera
-página personal:
Emi Koyama
-artículo de reflexión sobre su activismo "Being accountable to the invisible community: a challenge for intersex activists and allies":
Emilia Lombardi
-página en la Universidad:
Lynell Stephanie Long
-página personal:
Mani Mitchell (New Zealand)
Angela Moreno Lippert (ISNA/St Francis Medical Centre)
Esther Morris Leidolf (ISNA)
-actividades y publicaciones:ículo The self I will never know, en New Internationalist, 2004:
Ariel Rojman
-Una historia intersex:
Anne Tamar-Mattis
Kira Triea
Netzwerk Intersexualität, Alemania.
Simposio sobre la Intersexualidad celebrado en Estambul, 2006.
Institutional memoir of the 2005 Institute for Trans and Intersex activist training. IGLHRC (International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission).
Intersex Awareness Day
The true story of John/Joan. John Colapinto. Rolling Stone. 11 de diciembre de 1997.
In Ancient Greece, she´d have been a ... The Observer. 24 de mayo de 1998. (sobre Linda Roberts).
-comentarios de Cheryl Chase a este artículo en:
What if It’s (Sort of) a Boy and (Sort of) a Girl?. Elizabeth Weil. 24 de septiembre de 2006. New York Times.
The McDonaldization of intersex activism. Curtis E. Hinkle (OII). 10 de mayo de 2006.
A human rights investigation into the medical "normalization" of intersex people
Marcus de María Arana
San Francisco Human Rights Commission Report (SFHRCR)
When sex means "condition" or "impairment": Evaluating the Human Rights of Transgender and Intersex peoples. Jo Bird.
Intersex -A challenge for human rights and citizenship rights. Annette Brömdal. MA Thesis. Södertörn University.
Intersexuality and Human Rights. Mauro Cabral.